ancient-architects 3 jaar geleden
Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Göbekli Tepe is Huge | Geophysics shows 200 Pillars

Gobekli Tepe is the flagship archaeological site of Turkey, the incredible Pre-Pottery Neolithic complex with origins dating back to at least 11,500 years ago. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018, experts estimate that only 5% of this enormous complex has been excavated.

Within that 5% we already have a plethora of finds that have effectively re-written the history books. We have enormous T-shaped pillars, some of which are anthropomorphic, and some intricately carved with beautiful reliefs, engravings and 3-dimensional portrayals of animals, patterns and other iconography from the remote past.

Every new discovery gives us a new piece of information, sometimes critical, regarding how we view the people of Ancient Anatolia in Pre-Pottery Neolithic times. We have learned so much since excavations first began 26 years ago.

But what is left to excavate at Gobekli Tepe?

How do we know only 5% of this archaeological complex has been excavated?

Just how big is Gobekli Tepe?

Watch the video to learn more and to see the geophysical results, which provide evidence that Gobekli Tepe has around 20 enclosures and 200 T-Shaped pillars and many of which are still buried below ground.

Matt Sibson