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Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Göbekli Tepe | Billy Carson's Bizarre Claims!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ll have noticed there has been a lot of talk about Billy Carson, after Wes Huff pretty much annihilated him In a debate about Christianity.

Carson’s take on the history of religion seems to be limited, but on Ancient and prehistory is way, way out there. I’m happy for anyone to speculate about our ancient past, We don’t have all the answers, of course. The archaeological record is far from complete and speculation and hypothesis is what makes this a fun subject.

But you have to speculate within the realms of possibility, by using the data we have and by being as logical as possible. Therefore, it’s probably no surprise to you that I don’t agree with much of what Carson claims.

In this video, I want to address his bizarre claims about a place close to my heart, Göbekli Tepe, because of a video the YouTube algorithm presented to me because of my interest in the site.

This video is purely there for educational purposes and the clips used fall under the Fair Use parameters, as part of my narrative, commentary and reaction. All the clips come from the sources below if you wish to see the full video.

00:00 - Introduction

00:49 - Billy Carson v Wes Huff Debate

01:48 - Wes Huff Gets Debunked

03:55 - Billy Carson on Ancient History

05:06 - Billy Carson on Göbekli Tepe

07:49 - Debunking Billy Carson

11:18 - More Claims from Billy

14:37 - Turkey Tour 2025

15:01 - Concluding Remarks

Matt Sibson