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Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

11.000-Year-Old Skull Room Discovered at Sefer Tepe

Sefer Tepe is a multi-layered Pre-Pottery Neolithic site. The upper layer dates back to the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (EPPNB), ~11,000 years ago, with an older Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) layer below.

Sefer Tepe is one of Turkey's important TaƟ Tepeler sites, and was occupied at the same time as both Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe.

Since excavations began in 2021, they are expanding quickly and the finds coming out of the ground are astonishing.

Last month I made a video showing intricate beads that had been discovered, as well as a skull inside a niche in a communal, special purpose building. Watch the video here: ‱ NEW DISCOVERIES: 10,000-Year-Old Find...

And now even more skulls and human remains have been discovered, all inside one room, and archaeologists have called this 'The Skull Room' - a communal, secondary burial site, very similar to the skull building at the PPNB site of ÇayönĂŒ.

Watch this video to get an overview on the Sefer Tepe site, and to find out more about the Skull Room discovered!

Matt Sibson