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RTL Group is a Luxembourg-based digital media group with interests in 61 television and 30 radio stations in 10 countries. The group operates TV channels and radio stations in Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, and Croatia as well as production companies throughout the world. It is majority-owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann. It is one of the world's leading producers of television content, such as game shows and soaps, including The X Factor, Pop Idol, Good Times, Bad Times, The Price Is Right, Family Feud and The Bill.
RTL Group is a Luxembourg-based digital media group with interests in 61 television and 30 radio stations in 10 countries. The group operates TV channels and radio stations in Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, and Croatia as well as production companies throughout the world. It is majority-owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann. It is one of the world's leading producers of television content, such as game shows and soaps, including The X Factor, Pop Idol, Good Times, Bad Times, The Price Is Right, Family Feud and The Bill.
# Typically Dutch

De Nieuwste AI-technologie Schuift Aan

rtl rtl 5 maanden geleden
# Typically Dutch

Laatste woorden van Jan de Hoop bij het RTL Ontbijtnieuws

rtl rtl 2 jaar geleden
# Typically Dutch

China liegt bewust over doden en besmettingen door Coronavirus

rtl rtl 4 jaar geleden
# Typically Dutch

De Holleeder Tape

rtl rtl 6 jaar geleden
# Typically Dutch

RTL4 Nieuws | Napster (2001)

rtl rtl 23 jaar geleden