earth-20 1 jaar geleden
Earth 2.0 #Wildlife

What Was Life Like During the Jurassic Period?

The Jurassic Period is the second of three periods of the Mesozoic Era that extended from 201.3 million to 145 million years ago.

During this time, colossal dinosaurs were making their mark in a big way, mysterious marine reptiles ruled the oceans, and the skies were adorned with the majestic flight of prehistoric creatures.

00:00 Introduction

00:52 Heterodontosaurus

03:00 Brachiosaurus

05:42 Stegosaurus

07:57 Diplodocus

10:22 Archaeopteryx

12:56 Dilophosaurus

16:16 Dimorphodon

18:52 Pterodactylus

21:08 Liopleurodon

23:44 Apatosaurus

26:42 Compsognathus

29:34 Kentrosaurus

32:05 Allosaurus

34:53 Camptosaurus

36:32 Epidexipteryx

39:10 Scelidosaurus

40:56 Leedsichthys

43:12 Ichthyosaurus

45:40 Plesiosaurus

48:10 Rhamphorhynchus

50:32 Megalosaurus

53:05 Cryptoclidus
