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What Was Life Like During The Cretaceous Period? | Part 2

During the Cretaceous period, the fish-eating Baryonyx prowled riverbanks. Across the vast landmasses, the fearsome Majungasaurus ruled the island of Madagascar.

Meanwhile, in the ancient woodlands of Asia, the bizarre and formidable Therizinosaurus used its enormous, scythe-like claws to forage for vegetation.

00:00 - Introduction

01:00 - Baryonyx

04:20 - Majungasaurus

08:51 - Therizinosaurus

12:30 - Quetzalcoatlus

16:20 - Protoceratops

19:22 - Tylosaurus

22:57 - Alamosaurus

25:20 - Pterodaustro

29:36 - Leptoceratops

31:56 - Gallimimus
