part-time-explorer 2 years ago
Part-Time Explorer #The Tainment

The Lost Town of the Uncle Sam Mine | Unseen in a Century?

So very little is known about this town deep in this remote canyon. We aren't actually even certain of the name!

My friend, Alan, spotted marks for four vacant buildings on a 1957 map and what they were was completely unknown.

For his new book, we had to hike in and find out just what was there!

Does this town date back to 1875, when the very first claim was worked in this canyon?

Or is it later working from the 1920's? In the summer heat just beyond Death Valley, CA, we had to hike down and find out. 

Between Alum Creek and Uncle Sam Creek in Nevada, just south of Goldfield, we found several collapsed structures and even an old automobile.

00:00 | Introduction

01:36 | Searching for the Canyon and Ruins Along the Way

05:10  | Scouting out the Canyon

08:38 | The Historic Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah, NV

09:04 | Returning to the Canyon

10:29 | Descent

12:46 | The Townsite

17:12 | Ascent

20:28 - Conclusion
