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Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

The 6,000-Year-Old Treasure found in a Dead Sea Cave (1961)

Back in 1961, an incredible collection of objects was discovered by chance and seemingly out of context by Pessah Bar-Adon, inside a cave in the Judean Desert, on the northern side of Nahal Mishmar, located close to the Dead Sea. The cave is known today a

The Hoard, called the Nahal Mishmar Treasure, contains 429 copper objects, 6 made from hematite, one of stone, five of hippopotamus ivory and one from elephant ivory, and were discovered wrapped in a straw mat, which was Carbon-14 dated to at least 3,500 BC. This would place it in the distant Chalcolithic Period of history.

The copper finds are beautiful, detailed and historically priceless and in this video we take a look at their history and see, which structure they may have been taken from, 5,500 years ago.

All images are taken from Google Images for educational purposes only.

Matt Sibson