just-the-drink 2 years ago
Just The Drink #Cocktails and Wine

Quick Cocktail | Casino Cocktail

Based on the original recipe by Hugo R. Ensslin’s 1916 book “Recipes for Mixed Drinks”

Casino Cocktail


• 15 ml fresh Lemon Juice (0.5 oz)

• 22.5 ml Luxardo Maraschino liqueur (0.75 oz)

• 45 ml Old Tom gin (1.5 oz)

• 1 dash Angostura orange bitters


- Add ice to the small shaker.

- Switch it out for the large shaker.

- Add the ingredients in the order shown above.

- Combine the shakers and shake for 10-12 seconds.

- Put your Hawthorne strainer on the large shaker and get out your chilled cocktail glass.

- Using a fine mesh strainer. (if you have one)

- Pour the cocktail into the glass.

Garnish with a Luxardo maraschino cherry and be classy you fancy drinker you!


