ancient-architects 3 years ago
Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Mystery of the Sacsayhuaman Sacred Landscape

Unless you’re in the field, it’s hard to look into this much further, because Google Maps and Google Earth just don’t have enough resolution, and therefore you can’t see the site and surrounding structures in the level of detail needed.

Thankfully, there is an absolutely incredible resource that is available to all, and it’s free to use at:

Thanks to this, I believe I can now start to unravel the mysteries of the Sacsayhuaman complex, such as what the various structures to the north could be, why there are different types of masonry and what their functions could have been.

Using the incredible 3D model and looking at the science and archaeology, I've found that the key to unravelling Sacsayhuaman is the universal life force of water. Sacsayhuaman is a sacred water landscape full of channels, ceremonial pools, sacred springs, sacred wak'as and reservoirs. If we analyse the landscape and architecture with water in mind, all starts to become clear.

All images are taken from Google Images, including a video from Ben at UnchartedX and Brien Foerster.

Matt Sibson