ancient-architects 1 jaar geleden
Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Ancient Dragon Houses of Greece | A Megalithic Mystery

I saw a fascinating article on the Arkeonews website, about something I knew very little about, that being the mysterious megalithic structures in the mountains of the island of Euboea, the largest island in Greece after Crete.

These megalithic marvels are known as Dragon Houses and there are 23 of them on the island, mostly in the regions of Mount Oche and Styra in Euboea.

These mortar-fee constructions are thought to date back to the Preclassical period of Ancient Greece, the classical period beginning around 490 BC.

They have stood, pretty much intact, for more than two millennia but their origins and purpose are a true ancient megalithic mystery.

There is a brilliant article on website (linked below), which gives us plenty of information and in this video, I present an overview and hopefully give us all something new to think about.

Matt Sibson