On April 13, 2024, Iran executed a large air strike against Israel. What unfolded next was a bizarre series of claims and statements with worldwide implications and the distinct possibility that Iran intentionally set up the strikes to fail.
This video covers what happened, what's next, and what viewers wanted to know about the topic.
00:00 - Intrigue among Israel, Iran, and Russia
01:00 - Background of the Attack
02:18 - The Attack: What Happened?
04:52 - Is this the End?
07:57 - Russia's Awkward Geopolitical Position
10:36 - Ukraine and Missile Defense
12:19 - Will this Change Things in Gaza?
13:12 - Where Are the Lines on Maps?
13:40 - How Will this Affect U.S. Aid?
14:10 - Will Israel Strike Iran's Nuclear Facilities?