d16-group 12 jaar geleden

Effects | D16 Group Fazortan Space Phaser (2013)

Have you ever wanted to replicate that unique, magical breeze floating through most of Jean Michel Jarre's tunes?

The Fazortan is the newest incarnation of D16 Groups Controllable Space Phaser, part of the SilverLine Collection. Needless to say, we didn't cut corners when striving for that robust, yearned-by-all analog feel.

The Phase Shifter provides you with total control, allowing you to obtain highly precise sonic contours. If you’ve ever wondered what’s behind the swirling, ethereal synth vibes synonymous to Jean Michel Jarre's vintage sound, it has surprisingly less to do with the synths he chooses but in matching it with the analog phaser for which Fazortan is a fine equivalent.

Thanks to our advanced analog modelling techniques based on Operational Transconductance Amplifiers, we implemented allpass filters comprising characteristics identical to its analog counterpart. In this update, we're even closer to the original hardware unit.

You can think of Fazortan as an exact virtual replica of a ‘70s retro phaser, but whose identical sound and primary functions aren't limited to the analog realm. Bearing in mind that the original had a single Rate knob and a Color switch on the front panel, Fazortan 2 stands alone as a completely new device - made obvious no less by its GUI - expanding on the features of its hardware counterpart.


D16 Group