waldorf-music 23 jaar geleden
Waldorf Music #Synths and Effects

Softsynths | Waldorf Attack (2001)

The Attack is a percussion synthesizer with a powerful virtual-analog synth engine. It seamlessly integrates the sound of the 80's analog classics and the electronic club drums of the 90's into the virtual instrument hosts of the 21st century.

Attack generates all its sounds in real time, giving you the freedom to alter all parameters directly.

Attack has 24 sounds available per percussion set, spread over two octaves. The sound architecture is extremely flexible, as one would expect from a Waldorf synthesizer. Two oscillators, each with nine waveforms, represent the sources. In addition to well-known analog waveforms, Attack offers three samples to help create hi-hats or crash cymbals. Ring modulation and frequency modulation expand the sound spectrum with a metallic component and FX sounds. The integrated "Crack" module takes care of reproducing analog handclaps authentically.

Attack contains a filter section with 6 filter types, resonance up to self-oscillation, and an overdrive of up to +52dB. The two envelopes are used to alter oscillator pitches, FM amount, filter cutoff, and the output volume. Two modulation delays and eight outputs (2 stereo, 4 mono) connect Attack to the VST world. Seamless integration into the VST 2.0 interface means that all parameters may be addressed via MIDI controllers, allowing you to create powerful dynamic changes.

And as though this were not enough - twelve sounds in each drum set can be played melodically. With this feature you can create tom fills and conga or other percussive grooves in no time, and you can even play bass, melody or sequencer lines.


- Virtual analog sound synthesis.

- 31 sounds kits with over 700 sounds included.

- 24 percussion sounds per set, spread over two octaves.

Per sound (editable):

- 2 oscillators with each 9 waveforms (triangle, sine, square, sawtooth, sample&hold, noise, hihat closed, hihat opened, crash).

- FM and Ring Modulation.

- 'Crack'-module for authentic analog hand claps.

- 6 filter types with resonance up to self oscillation and overdrive.

- 2 envelopes for Pitch, FM amount, Filter Cutoff and Loudness.

- All parameters addressable via MIDI controller.

- 8 audio outputs (2 stereo, 4 mono).

- Two integrated and synchronizable Modulation Delays for the stereo outs.

- Percussive Bass und Lead sounds - polyphonic playable.
