highly-compelling 3 jaar geleden
Highly Compelling #History and Archaeology

Why Did Modern Humans Take So Long to Leave Africa?

In this video, we'll explore the question of why modern humans took so long to leave Africa. We'll look at the different theories and discuss the evidence, before coming to a conclusion about what really happened.

No matter what the answer might be, it's an interesting question that will fascinate you and keep you thinking for hours on end!Anthropologists often wonder why modern humans took so long to leave Africa.

And until I saw this map, I didn't appreciate just how large of a continent Africa is. The countries of United States, India, and China can all comfortably fit into Africa.

The African Continent is almost 12 million square miles, compared to Europe, which is less than 4 million square miles and North America, which is 9.5 million square miles.

No part of Africa is ever frozen over, so there was ample reason that modern humans took so long to leave the continent. It was a Garden of Eden, especially when the climate was cooler. And there was no competition from Neanderthals.

Highly Compelling