what-ive-learned 2 years ago
What I've Learned #Health

What happens if you don't Eat for 44 Days?

Fasting can be very beneficial, but excessively long fasts can be dangerous. Check with a professional before you think of fasting for long periods of time.

00:00 | The 44 day and 382 day fasts

00:51 | What happens when you fast?

01:50 | Why there is a needle stuck in my tricep

02:43 | Where is the sugar coming from?

03:27 | Ketones grow the brain

04:36 | So how do you feel on a week of fasting?

05:56 | Hunger disappears?

07:00 | Benefits from longer fasts?

08:00 | How to lose tons of muscle

09:55 | Don't overdo fasting.

11:07 | What happened to the guy who fasted for a year?

11:50 | How to lose weight and not be hungry

13:56 | We should be careful with fasting, but not scared

14:40 | Electrolytes.
