virgin-galactic 10 months ago
Virgin Galactic #Space and Time

Virgin Galactic's First Tourist Space Flight Takes Off

Virgin Galactic’s first tourist space flight took off from Spaceport America in New Mexico on Thursday, August 10, the company confirmed.

The vessel SpaceShipTwo was carrying eight passengers, including four pilots, one astronaut trainer, and three tourists, according to the company.

Two of the passengers were Keisha Schahaff and Anastatia Meyers, a mother and daughter from Antigua who won tickets for the space flight through a fundraising draw, the company said.

The third tourist on board was 80-year-old British Olympian Jon Goodwin.

The spacecraft and passengers safely landed back in New Mexico about an hour after takeoff, Virgin Galactic said.

This footage was streamed live during the flight and shows the crew of the Galactic-02 mission crossing the atmosphere and entering outer space.

Virgin Galactic