the-twilight-zone 35 years ago
The Twilight Zone #Zombie Station

The Twilight Zone | The Case of Edgar Witherspoon (1988)

This is one of my absolute favorites of the 1980s recreation episodes of Twilight Zone.

A man by the name of Edgar Witherspoon believes that he is responsible for keeping the world balanced and moving.

A skeptic who wants to learn more, begins to wonder if perhaps Edgar Witherspoon is not crazy, but maybe he really is some sort of world angel or wizard or a god or something along those lines - and we find at the end, just who Edgar Witherspoon is and what he did for the world.

I won't ruin the twist at the end, but this is a favorite because it has a context of "feel good" mood with the storyline and characters and plot development. And I am a sucker for "feel good" stories.

But I will leave you with one question:

If you were the skeptic - how would you respond at the ending? Would you do the same that he did?

I know I would.

The Twilight Zone