ancient-architects 1 jaar geleden
Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

The Ruined 'Layer Pyramid' of Zawyet el Aryan

The Layer Pyramid, located in the necropolis of Zawyet el Aryan in Northern Egypt, is a ruined and largely forgotten pyramid, dating back to the 3rd Dynasty of the Old Kingdom.

Today sitting inside the confines of a restricted military area, the pyramid is largely forgotten and badly neglected.

No archaeological work has been done in more than 100 years and the information we have is conflicting and incomplete. To date, no artefacts have been found, there was no trace of a burial and so it's even unclear whether this pyramid was a burial structure or if the whole project was abandoned mid-way through.

But today, sitting inside a military area, it has been left to rot and ruin and if the situation doesn't change soon, it won’t be long before the Layer Pyramid goes past the point of no return and is lost forever.

00:00 - Introduction to the Layer Pyramid

02:35 - Who Built the Pyramid?

03:43 - What We Know about the Layer Pyramid

06:17 - The Internal Chambers and Passages

10:11 - The Sorry State of the Layer Pyramid

Matt Sibson