pink-panther 56 jaar geleden
The Pink Panther #Cartoon Cocktail

The Pink Panther Show | 50 - Little Beaux Pink (1968)

Pink and a sheep come to live in Cattle County, Texas, and have to endure an abusive farmer. Released: 02-10-1968

The Pink Panther had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, and wherever the lamb went to graze, the panther had to go.

The panther and his lamb cross a boundary into Cattle County, Texas, and when the lamb begins eating the grass of a hot-headed Texan rancher, the Pink Panther must defend himself and his lamb from the Texan's wrath. The panther plants stakes and builds a fence around his lamb's grazing territory, and the Texan, rapidly riding a horse, pounds the stakes - and the Pink Panther - almost entirely into the ground. Undaunted, the Pink Panther establishes his own ranch, and the Texan tries to flatten panther and lamb with a huge, rolling stone, which the Pink Panther guides through a barn so that it hits a tree branch which recoils it on top of the Texan.

The Texan telegrams some hired gunslingers, asking them to eliminate someone who is pink, and when a bucket of the Pink Panther's pink paint falls onto the Texan, rendering him pink, the gunslingers arrive and blast him with bullets.

The Pink Panther