the-muppet-show 47 years ago
The Muppet Show #Sentimental Journey

The Muppet Show | Pigs in Space - Part 2 (1977)

"Pigs in Space" – Parody of science fiction programmes like Star Trek, but also 1930s sci-fi serials.

The spacecraft is called USS Swinetrek and the title voice-over is a parody of Lost in Space. It features Captain Link Hogthrob, Dr. Julius Strangepork (the name a take-off on "Dr. Strangelove"), and Miss Piggy as First Mate. Usually, the sketches would involve the long-suffering Piggy putting up with the wacko Strangepork and the brain dead Link treating her as an inferior because she is a woman (even though she arguably dwarfs them in brainpower).

The early sketches also usually featured odd introductions for all the characters, such as calling Link the flappable captain, Miss Piggy the flirtatious first mate, and referring to Dr. Strangepork as "describable".

Dr. Strangepork usually got the most unusual description out of the three during these introductions as he was the oddest member of the group. This portion of the introduction was dropped during season three, and the announcer would simply claim it was "time for...Piiiiiigs...iiiin...spaaaaaaace!"

The Muppet Show