For Microsoft, 1978 begins with the announcement of the Microsoft COBOL-80, which conforms to the 1974 ANSI standards for 8080, Z80, and 8085 microprocessor systems. We establish our first international sales office and fiscal year sales for the first time exceed one million dollars.
April 11, 1978
Microsoft COBOL-80, which conforms to the 1974 ANSI standards for 8080, Z80, and 8085 microprocessor systems, is announced.
November 1, 1978
Microsoft establishes its first international sales office in Japan, ASCII Microsoft.
November 6, 1978
Microsoft announces the availability of Microsoft EDIT-80, a random access, line oriented text editor for 8080 and Z-80 systems. EDIT-80 is the first microcomputer editor with random line access to floppy disk files.
December 1, 1978
Microsoft announces Microsoft Macro-80 for 8080; Z-80. The 14K assembler is the fastest macro assembler currently on the microcomputer market, assembling over 1000 lines per minute.
Microsoft announces the availability of Microsoft FORTRAN-80 Compiler for TRS-80.
December 31, 1978
Microsoft's year-end sales exceed $1 million at $1,355,655
There are 13 employees.
The Albuquerque office's Coca Cola bill for Calendar Year 1978 totals $566.50.