In an awe-inspiring journey through time, this groundbreaking documentary embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the Book of Genesis, unveiling its profound connections to the ancient mythologies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece.
From the majestic narrative of creation to the enigmatic Garden of Eden, every story and character is meticulously analyzed, revealing striking parallels with age-old legends.
The film delves into the gripping tales of Cain and Abel, the celestial saga of the Sons of God mingling with mortal women, and the universal deluge of Noah's Flood, drawing fascinating comparisons with ancient flood myths worldwide.
It ascends the mystical Tower of Babel, tracing its roots in global mythologies, and navigates through the complex lineage of Abraham, including the riveting stories of Jacob, Esau, and Joseph's odyssey in Egypt.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:06 - True Origins of Genesis Creation
01:08:47 - True origins of Adam & Eve
01:27:53 - True origins of Cain & Abel
01:58:30 - True origins of Noah’s Ark & Flood
02:44:50 - True origins of Noah's curse
03:26:34 - Greek origins of Genesis
04:16:58 - Nephilim, Giants, Noah's flood & Plato's Atlantis
05:06:58 - True Origins of Nimrod
05:44:49 - Hellenistic Origins of tower of Babel
06:31:14 - Origins of Abraham
07:48:40 - Origins of Israel/Jacob
08:42:34 - Origins of Joseph in Genesis