Criminals and Crime Fighters #Politics, Power War and Greed

The Abyss Ep. 3 | The Great Depression under the NSDAP

With democracy, Hitler could not come to power, so he had to eliminate it.

The process of replacing democracy began in Germany in 1928. It was an attempt to actively destroy the democracy that had emerged in 1918/1919.

In 1937, life became "hell" for people who believed in German democracy. The political opponents of the Nazi regime lived in fear for their lives. There was no democracy left to protect them.

One of the opposing candidates was the Social Democrat Rudolf Hilferding. He was finance minister in the Weimar Republic in 1929.

He had to run from Hitler's rule and the NSDAP, which destroyed democracy once and for all. In February 1941, Hilferding was arrested in France. He died in prison under unexplained circumstances.

Watch the full documentary and learn how the financial crisis led to the end of democracy and how Rudolf Hilferding lived.

Criminals and Crime Fighters