freecodecamporg 2 years ago #Web Development

The 50 Most Popular Linux & Terminal Commands

Learn the 50 most popular Linux commands from Colt Steele. All these commands work on Linux, macOS, WSL, and anywhere you have a UNIX environment.

0:00:00 - Introduction

0:04:37 - Why use the command line?

0:06:56 - The world of operating systems

0:10:56 - What is Linux?

0:16:58 - Shells and Bash

0:19:28 - Setup For Linux Users

0:20:28 - Setup For Mac Users

0:21:05 - Setup For Windows (WSL)

0:29:43 - Using The Terminal

0:31:12 - whoami

0:32:34 - man

0:33:40 - clear

0:36:42 - intro to options

0:39:05 - pwd

0:41:07 - ls

0:49:21 - cd

1:00:40 - mkdir

1:06:33 - touch

1:12:03 - rmdir

1:13:05 - rm

1:21:26 - open

1:23:55 - mv

1:27:51 - cp

1:31:56 - head

1:33:02 - tail

1:35:27 - date

1:36:02 - redirecting standard output

1:41:48 - cat

1:46:15 - less

1:49:17 - echo

1:51:38 - wc

1:53:52 - piping

1:56:43 - sort

2:01:09 - uniq

2:06:59 - expansions

2:17:08 - diff

2:21:01 - find

2:32:10 - grep

2:36:52 - du

2:40:55 - df

2:44:04 - history

2:47:32 - ps

2:51:50 - top

2:54:02 - kill

3:00:13 - killall

3:01:37 - jobs, bg, and fg

3:09:40 - gzip

3:12:18 - gunzip

3:15:27 - tar

3:23:36 -nano

3:31:17 - alias

3:42:48 - xargs

3:50:57 - ln

4:01:49 - who

4:03:47 - su

4:08:32 - sudo

4:18:36 - passwd

4:21:54 - chown

4:31:08 - Understanding permissions

4:47:15 - chmod