music-video 36 jaar geleden
Music Video #Music Madness

Sonic Youth | Teenage Riot (1988)

"Teen Age Riot" is a song by American rock band Sonic Youth, and the first single from their 1988 album, Daydream Nation. It received heavy airplay on modern rock stations and considerably expanded their audience (along with the album itself).

"Teen Age Riot" is one of Sonic Youth's most recognizable songs, yet it is something of an oddity amongst their repertoire, consisting of a traditional verse-chorus pop song structure. The song was included in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll and is an on-disc track in Rock Band 2.

"Teen Age Riot" was the final song ever performed live by the band, serving as the closer for their last show at the SWU Festival in São Paulo, Brazil on 14 Nov 2011.

Music Video