tokenized-ai 10 months ago
Tokenized AI #Dee Dee Design

Re-Create Extremely Difficult Camera Angles in Midjourney

Imagine you're working on a project that requires very specific camera angles.

So, for example, things like a graphic novel, comic book, a movie pitch, or perhaps even an entire storyboard for a film that's been green-lit.

One of the tricky parts about Midjourney is its element of randomness.

This randomness is part of what makes Midjourney so fascinating and incredibly appealing, however, in certain situations, it can be a problem.

That's why it's so important to have a solid foundational understanding of how Midjourney works.

You're going to have a tough time controlling Midjourney if you don't understand how to give it the "instructions" that it needs.

In today's video, I show you a reasonably reliable method for re-creating extremely specific camera angles in Midjourney while still maintaining the style that you need.

You know, the kind of stuff that some of the most iconic movies of all time are made of.

Now, be warned, this isn't going to be a simple process and it will require flexibility on your part.

But once you get the hang of it, a world of opportunity will open up to you.

00:00 | Creating Impossible Shots

01:00 | Aligning Our Settings

01:37 | Example 1 – Man on a Ledge

11:11 | Example 2 - The Iconic "Frodo" Look

Tokenized AI