ancient-architects 5 years ago
Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Ram-Headed Sphinx of Amenhotep III Discovered

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an Egyptian stonemasons workshop, which contains several unfinished sculptures, including a large ram-head sphinx statue, also known as a criosphinx.

The workshop dates back to the reign of Amenhotep III, the father of the so-called heretic king Akhenaten, the grandfather of Tutankhamen, who reigned during the famous 18th dynasty of Ancient Egyptian history.

The unfinished Ram Sphinx was carved from sandstone, but the Swedish-Egyptian team of archaeologists who made the discovery, also found hundreds of stone fragments covered in hieroglyphs, as well as a small piece of a Sphinx, which experts believe was carved by an apprentice. Watch the video to learn more.

Matt Sibson