science-time 1 year ago
Science Time #Space and Time

Neil deGrasse Tyson | What if a Black Hole Devours Earth?

In this fascinating video, renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson delves into the mysteries of black holes and what they mean for our understanding of the universe.

Tyson begins by explaining how we know that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of all galaxies, including our own Milky Way.

He discusses the techniques that astronomers use to detect black holes, such as observing the effects of their gravitational pull on nearby stars and gas clouds.

As the conversation progresses, Tyson moves on to explore the mind-boggling properties of black holes themselves.

He explains what happens when you fall into a black hole, including the phenomenon of spaghettification, where the intense gravitational forces stretch you out into a long, thin shape.

He also discusses the strange behavior of time near a black hole, where time seems to slow down or even stop altogether.

He discusses the concept of the event horizon, the point of no return beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the black hole's grasp.

The most intriguing part of the video is when Tyson talks about what would happen if Earth were to encounter a black hole.

While it is extremely unlikely for Earth to get close enough to a black hole to be sucked in, the effects of its gravity would still be catastrophic.

Science Time