mr-whosetheboss 3 jaar geleden
Mrwhosetheboss #TubeNews just...

Mrwhosetheboss | From Zero to 10 Million YouTube Subscribers

Hey friends, excited to share with you this episode with the UK’s number one tech influencer @Mrwhosetheboss.

In the episode we talk about his early life, how he chose to become a YouTuber over taking a traditional career path, how he built a 10+ million following online and what it's really like to be an influencer.

It was an honour to speak to Arun and hear about the magic that is his YouTube channel - his story will tell you exactly why you need to start putting yourself on the internet.

00:00:00 | Intro 

00:03:12 | The early days

00:06:00 | Starting YouTube

00:15:03 | Managing your time 

00:20:29 | Life as an influencer 

00:29:38 | Goal setting 

00:37:31 | Taking risks 

00:46:10 | Quality vs Quantity

00:50:00 | YouTube Analytics 

00:55:20 | Creating YouTube videos

01:14:08 | Long & short term thinking 

01:21:00 | Money & Hedonic Adaptation 

01:32:02 | Quick fire
