moth-light-media 3 years ago
Moth Light Media #Wildlife

Moth Light Media | The Evolution of Squid

Molluscs are usually the simplest of creatures often not having blood vessels, sometimes even lacking a proper brain. But one group of animals challenges this, Squid and their other Cephalopod cousins, cuttlefish and octopus.

Surviving multiple mass extinctions bouncing through the turmoil of the planets changing environments the cephlapods were shaped and warped from an often simple group of creatures into very advanced forms.

Some incredibly alien to us like their multiple brains and limbs, while others were convergent evolution like their closed circulatory systems and camera style eyes.

But always with a twist reminding us how distantly related these creatures are from us.

Their story is the evolution of molluscs turning into super molluscs.

Moth Light Media