aat-van-rees 20 years ago
Aat van Rees #Sports

Magnus Carlsen Vs. Kasparov | Reykjavik Rapid (2004)

Prince of Chess directed and produced by Øyvind Von Doren Asbjørnsen. This was at the Reykjavic Rapid 2004 tournament where some of the world's best players competed.

A rapid game between the past and future world champion? 2 of the worlds greatest players indeed. I wonder what would happen if they were to play now. Interesting that sometime after this, Kasparov started coaching Carlsen for a while.

Magnus came close to beating Kasparov in a rapid game when he was 13 years old.

After about 30 moves, Magnus had a clear pawn up and a dominating position, in addition to an advantage on the clock. However, Kasparov escaped with a draw and went on to win the remaining games in the 2-game mini-match

The next year, Kasparov retired. He never played Magnus in an official game again.

In 2009, Magnus hired Kasparov as a coach. During their sessions, they played many training games. According to Magnus himself, he won the majority of those, although he never revealed a specific score.

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