amitav-roy 1 year ago

Laravel Filament | 02 - Creating a Resource and Listing records

Are you looking for a detailed tutorial on how to create a Laravel Filament Resource and list records on a page? Look no further! In this video, we'll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to create a Laravel Filament Resource from scratch and display it on a dedicated page.

Firstly, we'll introduce Laravel Filament, a powerful admin panel for Laravel applications. We'll explain how it works and its benefits, such as saving time and effort when creating admin interfaces.

Next, we'll dive into the tutorial, where we'll create a new Filament Resource and configure its settings, such as its name and fields. We'll also set up the relationships between the resource and other tables in the database.

Throughout the video, we'll explain each step in detail, so you can follow along and create your own Laravel Filament Resource with ease. By the end of the tutorial, you'll have the skills to create and manage your own Filament Resources and display them on a dedicated page.

If you're a Laravel developer looking to enhance your admin panel with Filament Resources, or just interested in learning how to use Laravel Filament, this tutorial is for you! So, grab a coffee and let's dive in!

Amitav Roy