dr-becky 1 jaar geleden

JWST rules out most likely culprit for "Crisis in Cosmology"

In this episode of Night Sky News we're chatting about the latest results from the AAS243 meeting including the Big Ring megastructure of galaxies, the most distant fast radio burst, and of course the latest from JWST on the "Crisis in Cosmology" (aka the Hubble Tension) which has ruled out the most likely culprit that we all had our money on. Is it time for some new physics?

00:00 - Intro

01:02 - Saturn at sunset (gone soon!)

01:42 - 27th Jan Mercury + Mars Conjunction

03:24 - 7th Feb Venus + Toenail Moon!

04:04 - Valentine's Day! Jupiter, Moon, and Pleiades

04:50 - BetterHelp

06:25 - AAS 243!

07:20 - The "Big Ring" Megastructure of Galaxies

11:53 - Hubble images most-distant FRB galaxy

16:27 - Early Supermassive Black Holes larger than expected

19:18 - OSIRIS-REx canister finally opened!

22:10 - Crisis in Cosmology made worse by 3 JWST results!

32:43 - Conclusion & Bloopers

Dr Becky Smethurst