dttv-studios 4 jaar geleden
DTTV Studios #Space and Time

Journey to the Outer Solar System

Amazing explanations and determinations based on virtual visualizations “from a distance”.

The information inferred from the examination of live photographic representations will mean that “if and when humanity can get itself together and cooperate with the countries of the world to collaborate, pool its financial resources, work together and listen to one another regardless of any differences in our culture.

We can eventually construct a spacecraft with an advanced propulsion system capable of bending spacetime to travel quickly, thus saving money to spend on traveling for years to reach planets in our solar system, we can land on Mars or other planets with enough foreknowledge to know what we need to do to establish a temporary living situation while working out the logistics of creating an atmosphere we can breathe and construction of buildings for living and working and how and where to grow trees and plants and what animals can live on the planet.

Terraforming, but without destroying any life that may be living underground.

By that time, we should have learned how to enhance proteins into meat, fish, and other foods without slaughtering any animals or all be vegetarians.

Suzanne Brown

DTTV Studios