Jimmy of Bright Insight is in Giza, Egypt

I’m in Cairo, Egypt, staying right at the entrance to the Giza Plateau! I arrived on the evening of Thursday 11/26, and will be in country visiting more than two-dozen sites through mid-December!

Ben from UnchartedX Is leading the tour with Yousef Awyan from the Khemet school of Mysticism. 

This video was filmed from my hotel room at the Marriott Mena House on Sunday 11/29.

In the first four days that I’ve been here, I’ve taken more than 4,000 HD photos and videos. I’ve been inside the 2nd Pyramid “Khafre”, various structures around the plateau including the Sphinx, and Valley Temple. I’ve been to the Serapeum, and stood inside a 100-ton stone box. I’ve also taken a complete tour (with video) of the interior of the Bent Pyramid (blew my effing mind). This is just to name a few places.


The content that I’ve gathered from this trip is going to take my channel to a whole new level. 

Get ready internet, I am going to make some noise. 

None of this would be possible with out all of you and your support. And HUGE thank you to Ben from UnchartedX who I am fortunate to be touring with. In fact, between the two of us and the content we’ve gathered, we are going to change the alternative ancient history game forever. Wait and see...

Follow more of my travels on my Instagram! You’re missing out on things you won’t see here!

However, when I return home I will be uploading a HUGE amount of content like never before. This trip is taking my channel to a new chapter that I’ve long desired. 

Much love, - Jimmy

Bright Insight