tech-vision 4 jaar geleden
Tech Vision #Engineering

Inside The World's Biggest Passenger Plane

At 73 metres in length, and with an 80 metre wingspan, the Airbus A380 is the world’s largest ever passenger plane. Travelling at speeds of over 700 mph, this jumbo jet can transport you between countries in utter luxury. But how exactly is life inside an A380?

Global giant, British Airways, runs a fleet of these feats of engineering, setting the standard for Economy comfort in the industry. Passengers will be immediately greeted with a double width staircase towards the front of the plane, one of the first of its type, and of course leading to the A380’s famous upper deck.

Throughout the cabin, LED lights provide the most energy efficient lighting solution. These can be controlled to mimic different scenes, or moods, such as sunset and sunrise, to help prevent fatigue among passengers, helping with the changing time zones.

Plenty of natural light also enters the cabin during daylight hours through the exceptionally large windows, which are larger than most other aircrafts’. 
