Harry Potter By Balenciaga

Here is How to make Harry Potter by Balenciaga Video.

Generate the image prompts with ChatGPT

1. "Give me the 10 most popular Harry Potter characters, just the names."

2. "Now, act as a Balenciaga fashion designer with 20 years of experience. I want you to dress each of these 10 characters in a unique Balenciaga piece for a runway show. Just write the name of the character and the piece. Remember, it's a 1990 fashion show."

3. "Ok, now this is a prompt that I use to generate images from another AI image generation tool called Midjourney: '1990 screengrab of female model Hermione Granger wearing a grotesque black Balenciaga dress, fashion movie scene, Balenciaga commercial --ar 3:2 --v 5'. Just say 'Y' if you understand."

4. "I want you to rewrite the prompt but for every character, with the clothes you chose for them. Remember to write the prompt exactly as I pasted it, with the same format and parameters. Only change the gender of the model, the name of the character, and the description of the clothing. Do you understand? Please ask if you need more information."

Generate the images with MidJourney
