ancient-architects 4 years ago
Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Great Pyramid Portcullis Antechamber Explained

Of all the videos I’ve made over the years on the Great Pyramid of Egypt, I’ve never made one on the Antechamber, the small room that you pass through from the Grand Gallery, before entering the granite-lined King’s Chamber.

It’s called the 'Antechamber' but a better name is the 'Portcullis Chamber' because the small space is a security feature. It's function was securing the contents of the King's Chamber and it once housed three granite portcullis blocks.

Researcher Keith Hamilton has just recently published two detailed guides on the Great Pyramid and I have used his work as a basis for this video because, as many of you will know, with regards to researching Ancient Egypt, Hamilton leaves no stone unturned.

He produces comprehensive publications, but written in such a way that an expert or a layperson can enjoy them, learn from them and use them as study guides. See his work at

This is a somewhat strange, rough and ready chamber of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and it has attracted a lot of attention in recent years because of a boss or 'nub', found on the back of the upper granite leaf block.

Watch this video to find out all about this chamber, how it may have worked, if it was successful and also why they included a boss or nub inside.

All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only.

Matt Sibson