Criminals and Crime Fighters #Politics, Power War and Greed

Evolution of Evil | Papa Doc and Benito Mussolini

The vicious tyrant Francois 'Papa Doc' Duvalier ruthlessly dominated Haiti using violence and Voodoo.

Rising from a humble country doctor, he made himself into a figure so terrifying to his people that many believed he had links with the Voodoo deity Baron Samedi, guardian of the graveyard. So complete was his control that people feared even to think about resisting him. 

His speeches left Italy bewitched, but behind all Benito Mussolini's bluster and posturing lies a dark heart of violence and brutality .He would order his fascist black shirts to beat and kill his political opponents, yet he was loved at home and admired abroad.

This is the story of Il Duce, the Boss and how his love of inspired an epic rise to power. 

Criminals and Crime Fighters