Criminals and Crime Fighters #Politics, Power War and Greed

Evolution of Evil | Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein

This Episode focus on two of the most evil men in the world: Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein.

Adolf Hitler is the very personification of evil. Yet somehow, he managed to convince a nation of sophisticated, civiliced people to be complicit in his horrific crimes.

What made him this way? What terrible forces turns a man born like any other into the most terrifying dictator the world has ever seen? 

As well as portraying Hitler, this episode shows the story of Saddam Hussein, a man thought to be even more sadistic than Hitler and how he rules with an utter contempt for humanity for 23 years.

This historical documentary looks at how the extreme pleasure he derives from limitless cruelty plays a significant part in his transformation from a violent young street thug to one of the most notorious dictators in the Middle East. 

Criminals and Crime Fighters