erik-satie 128 years ago
Erik Satie #Music Madness

Erik Satie | History's Weirdest and Most Eccentric Musician

Erik Satie was a French composer and pianist, born on May 17th, 1866 and by all accounts, he was thought of as a talentless musician in his formative years. At least that’s how Georges Mathias, his professor of piano at the Paris Conservatoire described h

Émile Decombes, another one of Satie’s piano professors called him "the laziest student in the Conservatoire."

It’s true, Satie wasn’t much of an accomplished piano player - he was a horrible sight reader - but he was a master composer.

His compositions have been featured on everything from The Simpsons and How I Met Your Mother to The Royal Tenenbaums, Dr. Who and The Benny Hill Show, not to mention hundreds of commercials.

Erik Satie