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Ancient Architects #History and Archaeology

Bombshell | New Petra Discovery was Staged...

You may have seen the recent news from Petra, that archaeologists have discovered a secret tomb lain undisturbed for 2,000 years!

The discovery seems authentic, a collaborative project between a number of respected parties – the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority, the American Center of Research, the University of St Andrews and the Discovery Channel.

So how could anyone question it?

Well, not everything is always as it seems, because this discovery was actually made 20 years ago! According to those in the know, this whole story was staged for the Discovery Channel cameras, for the Josh Gates TV Show Expedition Unknown. Watch this video to learn more, and check out the sources below.

00:00 - Introduction

90:27 - The News from Petra

04:30 - The Truth Behind the News

06:09 - The Events of 2024

07:50 - You Can't Hide the Truth

09:37 - Why the Discovery was Faked

11:22 - Concluding Remarks

Matt Sibson