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Be Smart | The Sun is Not the Center of the Solar System

Despite what you may have heard or learned in school, the sun is NOT in fact the center of the solar system. And it won’t be until 2027…

But this being a science channel, you might be thinking “What the heck is this guy talking about? Of course the sun is the center of the solar system. We’ve known that for more than 600 years.” Like most things in science, it’s not quite that simple. 

00:00 - Intro

01:00 - Patreon!

01:17 - What if Earth WAS at the center?

02:34 - Blame Aristotle

03:55 - The retrograde problem

05:54 - The Church's Easter crisis

06:55 - Copernicus puts us in our place

09:42 - Why heliocentrism isn't actually right

11:07 - Conclusion

11:47 - Go check out Overview!

Be Smart