What is it that made Homo Sapiens so Intelligent?

Is it true or not true that we Sapiens are different? And if true, what do we have that is different from all other creatures on the planet?

The character that defines the uniqueness and superiority of humans has been identified from time to time in their bipedal gait, large brains, ability to build tools, etc.

But other animals are also capable of building and manipulating tools, albeit not with the same skill. Other animals have big brains and rich social lives, or, like certain Primates, exhibit perfect upright station when needed.

Still, others are stronger, or more aggressive, or faster than we are; or they have better eyesight, a much more developed sense of smell, and so on. But that is not why they dominate the world of nature as we do.

Where then does our extraordinary power come from? And at what point in our evolution did it materialize?
