linus-boman 4 years ago
Linus Boman #Dee Dee Design

The Typographic Legacy of Microsoft

Microsoft isn't the first company you'd associate with typography, but their fonts have done more to democratize typesetting than any company in the last half century. Today we look at that history through 10 of their most famous and infamous fonts.

00:00 | Microsoft's typographic legacy

00:54 | What is typography?

03:57 | Segoe UI (and Frutiger, Myriad)

08:13 | Calibri

13:02 |Core fonts for the Web

14:58 | A history of Truetype fonts

18:37 | Trebuchet MS

21:51 | Georgia

25:01 | Impact

27:18 | Verdana (and Tahoma)

32:18 | Comic Sans

34:35 | The "OG" Truetype Trinity

35:15 | Times New Roman

39:32 | Courier New

41:52 | Arial

44:42 | A legacy which endures today
