Secrets of the Universe #Space and Time

The Most Important Picture of The Universe Ever Taken

For centuries, humans believed that our world was the center of the Universe. But then we learned that the sun and planets did not revolve around the Earth. Eventually, we also realized that even our sun, though the center of our solar system, was not the center of the Universe. Instead, it was just an average star among the billions of stars in our galaxy.

Until a century ago, we also (you said almost) thought the Milky Way was the only galaxy in the cosmos, which again was not the case.

Today, astronomers believe there are about two trillion galaxies in the observable Universe. So when did we learn about the bigger picture of the Universe? Do we have a particular date that marked the birth of modern cosmology? The answer is yes. January 1, 1925, was the day we discovered the Universe as it truly is.

But what exactly happened on this day that changed our understanding of the Universe?

This video answers this question in detail.

Secrets of the Universe