Neanderthals and Sapiens, the 100,000-Year WAR

The extinction of Neanderthal man is an issue that has never been too hotly debated, especially when we consider that this hominid was the undisputed ruler on our planet for more than 200,000 years and disappeared less than 30,000 years ago, to make way for the species to which we belong by descent: Homo sapiens.

After passing through much of the Paleolithic period unscathed - adapting so well as to enter into symbiosis with every climatic condition that might present itself, including the ice ages that we know followed one after another incessantly - the arrival in Europe of Homo sapiens, coming from Africa and Asia, put an end to its millennial existence.

But in what way?

Was there progressive and peaceful assimilation or was it - as always happens in history - a war that ended in genocide?
