insane-curiosity 3 years ago
Insane Curiosity #Space and Time

Insane Curiosity | Could K2-18b Sustain Life?

Its name is K2-18 b, also known as...wait for it... EPIC 201912552 b.

It is an exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star, located about 111 light-years from Earth.

If you were able to reach half of the speed of light and travel at that constant speed, you will take about 222 years to get to K2-18b. And we don't even know how to reach that huge speed.

So I guess you and I will never go for a trip to K2-18b planet. 

Not only earth-based telescope is being used to catch exoplanets. 

In fact, we make large use of some space telescopes, such as the famous Kepler Space Telescope.

Insane Curiosity