bright-side 7 jaar geleden

How Hormones Influence You and Your Mind

Hormones have an influence on how your brain works, can increase or decrease your energy level, control your emotions and mood, and even fat storage. Let's see how they work!

Summary of hormones and what helps:

0:34 Dopamin (pleasure and reward): Fish, Chicken, Eggs, Nuts, Beans, Cheese

2:29 Serotonin (Happiness hormone): Bananas, Yoghurt, Sunlight

3:43 Oxytocin (love hormone): get a massage, hug more

5:25 Melatonin (anti aging hormone): avoid screen light before bed, eat cherries before sleeping, no tight clothes in bed

7:32 Endorphins (natural pain killer): Avocados, olives, coconut, sunlight, good music, exercise, laughing, dark chockolate

9:17 Adrenaline (stress hormone)

10:32 Norepinephrine (high stress hormone): Bananas, Beans, Chockolate, Cheese, Eggs, Chicken, Meat, Fish, Seafood, Oatmeal, Exercise, Cold water, Sauna

Bright Side